Laravel Holiday Giveaway 2021

Published on Monday September 13th, 2021
Laravel Holiday Giveaway 2021

I've run a giveaway around the holidays to give back to the Laravel community for some time now. Over the past few years, that giveaway has gotten incredibly popular. Last year, the giveaway had over ten thousand developers worldwide.

In the past, the giveaway needed the gracious support of the many creators in the community. Developers that have creat products, video courses, books and services all came forward to give me prizes to give away. I was so thankful for their giving nature and the eagerness to help because, without these prizes that so many people wanted, the giveaway would never have succeeded.

This year, the giveaway will take a bit of a different format. This year my goal is to get sponsors to help pay for the prizes rather than having the commuity donate them. There are creators out there that I can now support by actually paying for their product.

How will it work this year?

As you may have heard, this year, the giveaway will be a lottery game that will run for fourteen days starting December 6th 2021 and will have 14 total draws to enter. Each draw will include prizes that can be won. There will also be daily shopping spree prizes.

These prizes will be awarded to random participants that entered that for that day's draw. The shopping spree prize will have a budget to spend on any approved prize(s) from our prize list.

Each day there will be incrementing prize money that, if won, will go to that lucky winner to spend on prizes of their choice. If not won by the 14th draw, this prize will be awarded to a random participant that entered the giveaway. That's not all! There is also a PlayStation 5 console given away at the end of the giveaway.

Since this is a "Laravel giveaway", the prizes will be tech and gaming etc. So this is where I need your help. I need ideas for prizes, services and courses you'd want to have included in the prize list. I've set up a repository here

If you could pull request your suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated. Please include the name of the product or service, a link to it and the USD value. The only requirement is that this is complete, ready to use service or product. The prize could include anything from a course to a physical product you'd want to win.


I am still looking for one more name sponsor and anyone that would like to get involved. If you're interested, you can check out the details here on the partners page. We've already confirmed Sentry, Linode and Laravel as sponsors.

If you have any questions, hit me up on Twitter, @ninjaparade and make sure to follow @laravelgiveaway <3

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